Road Trip 2010

Welcome to our Summer vacation!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bikini Weenies and Old Towne

We took the trolley to Tijuana this morning for a drug run. We went in and out of the first Farmacia we came time spent about 12 minutes. Tijuana is icky.
Hopped back on the trolley and rode it to the end of the line to Old Towne where there was a Cinco de Mayo festival going on. Jack had his picture taken with the Bikini Weenie girls and my pic is in front of one of the low riders on display.

San Diego has the most fantastic trolley system. You can buy an all day pass for $5 and it will take you to many of the sights. We are planning on taking it to see the USS Midway,Little Italy and the Gaslamp District as well as Seaport Village which we visited when we were in town before our cruises.

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